Township Office Hours of Operation: 8:30AM
to 4:00PM
(610) 286-1010
/ (610) 286-1001 fax
Police Non-Emergency
DCED Police Study Presented on June
22, 2021
SOLICITATION PERMITS (Ordinance 293, Click Here)
Comcast and Green Star Exteriors
RESIDENTS: It's "Winter Maintenance
Season"! Please remove any
basketball nets and trash cans from
the street. This will ensure
no damage is done to either when
township trucks need to clear snow
from your street. Thank you.

Residents - The following is
from the Village Library.
We've recently
received questions from our
patrons about accessing
library materials and want
to provide some
clarification. Our
library is part of the Berks
County Public Library
System, but we serve patrons
from nearby municipalities,
including residents from
Berks, Chester, and
counties. In 2020, the systemwide Borrowing
Policy was revised to expand
access to library physical
collections. Berks
County libraries will
continue to allow any
Pennsylvania resident to
have access to books, DVDs,
and all other physical items
from our collection, as well
as all library programs and
connections. However,
the policy also states that
access to the shared
countywide digital
collection would only be
available to individuals who
live, work, or attend school
within the county. If you’ve
recently experienced
difficulty when accessing
the library’s digital
collection but live, work,
or attend school in Berks
County, please reach out and
call us at 610-286-1022 and
ask to speak with Carol.
Residents: Caernarvon
Township Berks County has
subscribed to a
communication service called
Savvy Citizen. It will
keep you up to date on
events, notifications and
alerts. Available on
Android, iPhone/iPad, and
desktop, residents and
businesses in Caernarvon
Township can choose to
receive push alers on their
smart phone, or browse
in-app for a full listing of
their notifications, alerts
and community events.
Those without smartphones
can sign up via
and selct to have text
notifications or emails sent
to them. So sign up
today for a free account!

Applications are being
received for Hometown Heroes
Banners. If you
or someone you know is
interested in submitting an
application to honor past
and present members of the
Armed Forces or First
Responders please contact
the Township Office for more
Click here for the form
Residents: Please note
the following warning
regarding snow removal
within the Township (Click
Here for Ordinance 167):

Please be aware that Xfinity
(Comcast) will begin installing
fiber lines within the township that
will allow residents the opportunity
to contract with them for Internet
and Cable services. Xfinity is
a licensed public utility and will
be working in the right of ways for
each street. If work is
required on your property, they will
return in the spring for final
restoration. you should
receive a door notice (see below)
that will give you more information
specific to the install. Work
is to begin on January 2nd, 2024 in
the Pennwood development.
Thank you.

Please Clean Up Pet Waste -
Pet waste presents environmental
concerns. Left uncollected, pet
waste pollutes rivers and
Responsibly disposing pet waste in
the trash is the right thing to do
for the environment and for your
(Ref: Ordinance 311, Section 3).
Consider recycling newspaper
baggies and other plastics to scoop
up your pets waste.
5/25/2023: Residents:
Regarding any PPL outages, please
feel free to call PPL @
717-257-5988. They are
available to speak with any customer
individually regarding any
reliability concerns you may have.
8/11/2022 -
Guidelines for Maintaining Streams
in Your Community <click here>
8/4/2022 - Residents see below
notice regarding a change to the
Board of Supervisors monthly
Meeting Notice
2022 Meeting Dates Schedule
Road Advisories Visit
4/22/2021 - Residents:
Below is a Tar and Chip Fact Sheet
which offers some helpful
information about this activity that
occurs during road repair season.
We hope everyone finds it to be
informative and good to know:
Tar and Chip Fact Sheet (click here)
For Safety reasons, Right of Way
areas need to remain clear. If
someone gets hurt or property damage
is caused by objects/obstructions
that are within the Right of Way,
property owners will be responsible
for damages.
Residents, see
below vacancies for Township Boards.
Please submit your letter of
interest to the Board of
Planning Commission - Alternate
Parks & Rec - Committee Member
Residents: Please
click on the below link for a
helpful brochure regarding
Stormwater Best Management Practices
for Homeowners:
Click Here For
Agricultural Best Management
Practices (BMP) for farm
stormwater management.
Utility Markings Guide (click here)
Parks and Recreation
Interested persons must have
been a resident for a year,
and shall submit a letter to
the Board of Supervisors.
Volunteers for Parks & Rec
Board Need
Find Policy Information
For Current PennDot Projects go to
(interactive map)
4/3/2019 - Updated
Recycling Center link,
3/1/19 - Animal
Control Services -
Click Here for Township Update
****Casino news in Berks
County has raised questions****
Statement from Caernarvon
Township Supervisors
October 31, 2018 (click here)
Caernarvon Township Casino Impact
Study (click here)
click here for more information
about a research project conducted
regarding casinos
Please visit the Parks and
Recreation Facebook Page
for information about the Township
Recreation opportunities:
furnished by HVA:
Appendixes HERE
Find Out First
Get local alerts about
emergencies, severe weather,
and road closures on your
cell or email.
Emergencies, Severe Weather,
Traffic Alerts
When situations arise in
Berks County that may affect
you and your family, Berks
Alert lets local officials
notify you quickly. Be among
the first to find out and
stay informed during an

Sheriff Brigade Like us on
Berks County Emergency
************************************************************** Lancaster Region Reliability
Project Please visit the
following website for
information about the
electric transmission line:
A new Pennsylvania Drivers
Manual is available at
Commuter Services' Rideshare
and Emergency Ride Home -
is a program that
provide necessary tools to
commuters in order for them
to successfully switch from
driving alone to a commuting
alternative; such as
carpooling, vanpooling,
bicycling, walking or riding
transit. Please visit
www.pacommuterservvices.org. In addition, they partner
employers in Berks County. Click
HERE for the list.
Medication Drop Box -
The Berks County Pharmaceutical Drop Box Initiative Program has been implemented. If you have unwanted and expired medications, the Township Building has a Medication Drop Box located at the Police Department. You may access the drop box during Township Business Hours (8:30am to 4:00pm) or after hours by contacting the Police Department for entry into the building. Please use a black marker to mark out any personal/identification information on the medication container. Please see the attached press releases for more information about this
initiative program.
click here for press release
******************************************************************* Timbering Permit is Required
Date Updated: 2020-01-02
Property owners are reminded that prior to timbering any portion of their property
please contact the Township for
permitting requirements.
Thank you.
Right to Know Law
Caernarvon Township Open Records
Officer - Heather Brendle,
Contact information
PO Box 294
3307 Main Street, Morgantown, PA 19543
Phone 610-286-1010
Fax 610-286-1001
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
Mailing Address: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225
Phone: 717-346-9903
Fax: 717-425-5343
General Email: openrecords@state.pa.us
Caernarvon Township Tax ID is: 151001
The Chester Tax Collection Committee (CTCC) recently appointed Keystone Collections Group to serve as the Earned Income Tax (EIT) and Local Services Tax (LST) collector for school and municipal taxing authorities within Twin Valley School District. This important change was brought about under Act 32 of 2008. Act 32 requires municipal governments and school districts in all Pennsylvania counties, except Philadelphia, to select a single tax collector to serve the Earned Income Tax collection needs of the political subdivisions.
For more information go to: www.keystonecollects.com